Healthy on a Budget
Surprisingly, I saved money originally when I started on Weight Watchers. Mostly because I was eating sometimes 3 meals a day at a $5 minimum each, hitting the drive-thrus. That adds up fast. So, at first, it seemed really cheap to eat healthy. But, as time wore on, it took more time, energy and money to eat clean and keep it interesting. You can only eat so many pre-packaged frozen meals. You can only eat so many cans of soup. You need to try new recipes and stay excited about your weight loss, and you need to stock your pantry, which means cha-ching! at the grocers.
I found this article on Weight Watchers Online today and I thought I’d pass it on because I know a lot of people use the excuse, "But it’s too expensive to buy fresh veggies or organic meat..." or whatever it is that we piss and moan about.
I kind of hit one of those walls last week where I was just exhausted by Points, tired of watching every freaking morsel, just tired in general. I was over it. But, I’m going on a cruise in January to the Bahamas (7 nights!) and it’s a goal gift. Yeah, way to motivate, right? Of course, I’ll have to lose an additional 10 lbs. just for the food on the cruise. heh. But I promised myself that I would kick some serious Weight Watchers ass and going grocery shopping is the first step.
You can do this, no matter how “over it” you are.